Monday, June 4, 2012

Meet The Midvale Cast of The Marvelous Wonderettes

Auditions on Saturday June 1 were a lot of fun! We had call backs right after and narrowed the field of very talented actresses down to the follow 4 women. I am proud to introduce The Marvelous Wonderettes Melody Chapman as Cindy Lou, Kristen Fox as Missy, Megan Smyth as Suzie, and Paige Moore as Betty Jean. They start rehearsals tonight to start learning an outrageous number of songs in four-part harmony!! 

Melody, Kristen, Megan, and Paige
photo credit: Megan Smyth
Watch for further information and join us in the park to see them live from July 13-21.  More information will, as always be posted on the Midvale Arts website


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